Pohjois-Suomen Eläinsairaala

Pohjois-Suomen Eläinsairaala

Eläinlääkäri Oulu

Tänään: 08:00 ­- 20:00

0300 484 654

(0,42 eur/min+pvm/mpm)

Idealinja 13, 90410 Oulu
543 Google reviews
Karina Paskovits


Karina Paskovits


ELÄINLÄÄKÄRIASEMAT: Pohjois-Suomen Eläinsairaala
I am studying on my final year in Estonian University of Life Sciences. I have worked in Estonia as a nurse in 24/7 animal clinic for five years during my studies. I enjoy science-based medicine and think it is important, to maintain up to date knowledge in everything you do. During my studies I have participated in different congresses and seminars in Estonia and abroad. I enjoy mostly emergency cases, but also happy to see every patient for evaluation is needed. Besides emergency I am also intrested in exotic pets and behavioral medicine. I have a big respect for cats and cat-friendly handling, so do not hesitate to come with your cat to me, I will try to make a vet visit for both of you a very pleasant one. In my spare time I love to go hiking, traveling and do yoga.

I have a borzoi at home.